Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Reflection of the interview (reflection)

The interview I had with the secretary Melody Erasmo has made me rethink a lot about my understanding of church workers. I used to think that they only worked for the money and not for the faith. It has made me realise that working for the Lord is a gift that they cherish and prioritise more than anything else. For Melody to help in other ways in the church apart from her usual role as a secretary shows her commitment to fulfilling her role as a servant of the Lord and she is a good example of what a true Christian should do.

This has made me come to a realisation that I too must do all that I can to help spread God's love and fulfil my role in this world. 

It's weird how one religious and committed person can have such an impact on the lives of the people around them and change their perspective on how they think and act for the Lord.

Because of this, I feel as if I should help out around not only for the church, but for God and country.

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